Dad as a clock, Humans as a catalyst for change
Yet another month plus has past me without much time for me to notice it flying. Suddenly, I realize that I take my father's monthly visit as a gauge for every month. And it's time for his monthly return on Tuesday night. Why am I only blogging this only today? As a few of you guys know, my desktop is dying under the oppression of a new virus that my anti-virus can't seem to cope or detect. It's frustrating, and I spent almost all my spare time trying to hunt that evil virus down. I found a few of it's locations and deleted the files but the effects seem permanent. It's gone and infected my explorer and now my msn and internet explorer has been rendered truly fucked.
Without my ability to connect to my social network on my desktop was a lousy feeling, at least I still have my laptop. But the desktop still has some internet ability such as playing World of Warcraft and most of the MMOs my brother installed. And since my desktop was mainly meant for play it wasn't a complete loss.
So back to my Dad as a clock. He comes back on a non-regulated basis. It's not on a fixed date or a fixed month, yet I still use his arrival back in Singapore to signify the passing of the months. Why? Well because I don't believe in a strict schedule. Life is not fixed or routine, anything can happen today or tomorrow. I know it probably sounds rather insane, but my Dad comes back every 1 - 2 months on a non-fixed date so it's sort of a mini-routine although it's kinda chaotic. Sometimes he doesn't know when he'd be back, sometimes he comes back unannounced. It reminds me alot of how life truly is. It's truly chaotic, but we try to adhere some routine or sense into things anyways. So taking my dad as a clock makes perfect sense in the way time really works in this chaotic planet.
Oh how I love chaos in order and order in chaos. It's all so fun. To play the role of a sane person but inside, I truly enjoy the chaos that we bring into the universe. So much change and evolution because of our single race. We're a catalyst for change, in essence we are the embodiment of chaos in the purest form. We warp our environment to suit our needs, we destroy all that stand in our way and we also convert the other beings inhabiting our space to our cause. There is nothing we do that stand in harmony with the natural "Law" of the planet. There is no order in the things we do in the eyes of the planet.
But whose to say what is right or wrong? If you say the destruction of the planet is a "wrong" thing to do, then the mass genocide of human beings must be a "right" thing to visualize. But to humans genocide is "wrong" so it MUST BE ABSOLUTELY "right" to destroy our planet. LOL you might say that I shouldn't deal in absolutes but let me put it this way. Humans are a varied bunch, some want to save the planet, some want to consume all it's resources, some want to leave this planet and find a new home. So to NOT HAVE GENOCIDE means there will always be people who want to consume all it's resources and in turn destroy it. Thus there is ZERO way of saving it. As long as humans exist, there will be some of us that seek to destroy it, inadvertly or directly. Don't fool yourself with recycling technology and green technology, what about WAR? Yeah you heard me, the weapons of mass destruction only get more powerful. A nuclear holocaust is just as bad as us consuming all of earth's resources.
So yeah, so I accepted the fact that as long as humans exist, the world is going to die. No two ways about it unless you tell me that your going to strip away the freedom of thought and action for every single human being in the universe. It's bloody cruel and there'd be no point to living after that but yeah the planet would be saved. Woot! Haha, damn that irony yah? Everyone knows that there are people out there without a shred of conscience, thus there is no way you can control them with emotion or talk sense into them. Is the eradication of the human race the only way to preserve our planet? Well I did mention that there were some humans willing to find a new home.
Let's all follow them to ruin another planet if we truly want to save Earth. We can go ruin, Alpha Centauri or the like. If you look at the planets on our solar system, I saw the data on the two planets closest to earth and it almost seems like our ancient predecessors have ruined them with a nuclear war on Mars and overpollution in Venus. Earth was probably the merger of 2 different species struggling for survival from these two planets. Earth could go either way, or would it be a new form of planetary destruction? Haha, we'd truly never know. But I do know one thing, Everyone go forth and sow CHAOS! Have fun while doing it. Alauz Out!
Oh red star, red star in the sky.
Oh red star, reddest iron in our blood.
Oh red star, rusting with the blood of billions.
Oh red star, how we missed you so.
Oh white love, white love among the clouds.
Oh white love, whitest clouds floating by.
Oh white love, raining down pure acid.
Oh white love, we loved you dearly so.
Oh blue ball, blue eye in the space.
Oh blue ball, bluest sky and sea.
Oh blue ball, spinning so innocently.
Oh blue ball, we are killing you like the other two.
Idiots of today, Geniuses of tomorrow
Thursday, June 14, 2007
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