Tuesday, June 26, 2007
What is the matter with us? We can't even accept something that even basic animals have come to accept. We can't even accept the fact that we have basic instinctual needs that need to be satisfied or we start degenerating both mentally, physically and even spiritually. We deny our very souls of what we need.
As you have noticed there's something familiar about what I'm talking about. The darker side of me is starting to emerge once more. Too much overloading of work has cause me to pop up through the thining layer of the angel that tries too hard to handle so many things at one go. The things that run through my mind, hahaha.... just makes me grin wickedly this morning when I woke.
Argh, struggling for control is starting once more. Haha, how I love conflict. Shows me how alive I truly am. I can't accept my true character of myself without a hard fight with myself to prove my true character. Show I be good, bad or down right evil? Haha, everyone be warned that until I finish this battle. You'd be subjected to lots of instablity when you interact with me. It couldn't have come at a worse time too. Haha, I can be so mean to myself.
Warping minds and desecrating souls. Oh wonderful day to be free. Stop that! Oh? Whose going to stop me? Well, just wait and we will see...
Evil grins and happy thoughts,
Do they mix or they do not?
Wonderful feeling of kicking people down,
Will I ever get tired of it?
Hideous visage of a darkened soul,
Is that truly me?
Oh how I love being a twin,
Conflict Eternal.
Idiots of today, Geniuses of tomorrow
Monday, June 25, 2007
And for all who attended the RFW concert, you all probably don't need me to tell you that the Singaporean Rock Scene's grown alot since the yester years and I honestly think that they were AWESOME. Oh yeah here's some low quality pictures I managed to take with my crappy phone.
Okay whose not freaked out by the scary look one of my friends gave me when I started taking photos at the concert? Anyway, this was when the concert was about to start.
So this was the drum set of Wayne 'Thunder' Seah. This man has touched the lives of many during his whirlwind on earth.
Then I decided to move up to the 2nd floor of the Pavillion, this was Red Spy Experiment.
Then I went for a quick dinner and came back in time for West Grand Boulevard. And yeah, I gave up the idea of staying on the 2nd floor. The acoustics of the place didn't benefit those on the higher ground. Back on the first level, the music was awesome again.
This was a moment from Electrico, I had 2 really poor pictures from my phone. This is the better one. And YES the light show here blinds us! Keke...
Sometimes I hate the grainy quality when I zoom haha, but this is from the finale, AstroNinja Allstars! Ronin's lead singer has quite a scream.
Did I mention that there was moshing and even body surfing? The concert was as rocking as a concert could be, with people going crazy. But of course I avoided moshing, if you know who I am then you know that I'd probably kill someone by accident while moshing. I truly believe that Wayne's wish for a rocking concert in Singapore by Singaporean bands isn't just a dream anymore but a reality. To all who were there, Pain is only temporary, Glory is Forever!
For Wayne,
To him the world is but an oyster,
He flows like water to conquer.
Under the calm exterior,
Neverending current of Passion.
Dedicated to Rocking and Loving,
Everyday he shall be missed.
Rocking on Forever!
Idiots of today, Geniuses of tomorrow