My New "Car"

Car = PC box
I know it sounds lame, cheesy and really really silly. But I often take pride in my desktop computer. So much so that it's like a status symbol. Infact, it is a status symbol, among the geeks that is. And among geeks who are also aware of the "racing scene from Need for Speed: Underground" We sometimes even proudly name our PC boxes after the cars we've seen in that series.
What's IT'S Name?
So what did I name my Box? It used to be this antique tower casing about 8 years old, with the higher end of the mid range parts stocked into it's "engine" So I named it the "AE86" from the popular "Initial D" Series. Well, now since I've upgraded the tower to one that looks much more kick ass, it's gotten a nickname from the kind fellow that introduced the Box to me. It's now the "Mazda RX7" The picture you see above would be the new Box. The old Box cannot be seen with human eyes, lest they be blinded by how I could use such an atrocity to house the latest Pentium Chips.
Medical Shit
Oh yeah went for my check up for a weight management program I took up about 6 months ago. Guess what? Since then I lost 12 kg, with only advice and exercise recommendations from them. Sure you say I could have lost more weight. But this weight loss is kinda different. This program really changed my lifestyle, I not only move around more, but I also changed my eating habits and stuff. So it's totally maintainable. And that's the key to avoid the yo-yo diet or regime.
More Medical Shit
Oh yeah and there's a sore on my neck for the past month that's been growing alittle more everyday. It's getting to a stage where it's very noticable now. Have to go to the doctor's tomorrow to see what the heck is it. Thought it was just a fungal or bacterial infection. Got over the counter medicine, didn't work. Great, more medical bills. Only hope it's not something serious where I have to go for an operation or anything. And NO, it's not an STD for sure. Haven't had sex in over 3 years. If it was an STD, it'd have happen way sooner.
Idiots of today, Geniuses of tomorrow
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