Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Too much of something

And here I am awake in the darn morning after sleeping later than the prescribed time last night. What time did I get up? 7 freaking AM. Sigh, this is becoming a problem. It's like regimentalization only except that I'm doing it on my own. Anyways, perhaps if there's any of my uni-mates reading this. It'd be nice to note that while I can be quite the workaholic, I can also be rather unpredictable. Like what I'm about to do today, might cause a small raise of the eyebrows laters.

Don't worry, it won't be something crazy like parading around screaming and shouting. That's something I reserve only for the army. Perhaps it's my warped sense of humour, perhaps it's just my non-existant fashion sense. But you'd see later what I mean haha... OPPS! I got something cooking over the fire right now, be right back!

Now that breakfast is almost done, I suppose I got to add that studying is serious work. I mean like reading is fun and all, but when you have to like take notes and stuff the fun level drops by fifty percent. Haha, I don't mind writing at all. But taking notes is not really writing, it's more like putting your thoughts on the chapter down without anyone else but you to judge your own work. Where's the fun in that?

Hmmm, maybe some of you be wondering what a guy like me will make for breakfast? Leftovers in the fridge of course! Hahaha, nah just joking. I kinda made bradwursts today because there was a special purchase order last night. Incidentally, there shouldn't be a breakfast without fiber! So lots of fiber with a mystery ingredient. There isn't much guessing required, it's without a doubt an apple! Yeah, made a list of things to get last night and had someone to do the shopping for me.

Well, I got to go and set the table up and stuff. I'd leave you with a morning chirp. *Chirp*
Alauz OUT!

Sleep is like a lullaby,
Always soothing while it lasts.
Sleep is like a lullaby,
Awfully painful when you rise.
Sleep is like a lullaby,
Anyone can do it till they die.
Sleep is like a lullaby,
Alittle bit is not advised.

Idiots of today, Geniuses of tomorrow

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