Thursday, September 13, 2007


I realized that today we almost never hear the word "Shan't" anymore. It's a word I often read in my kindergarden days in "Naughtiest Girl in School" or "The Famous Five". I don't think I EVER heard anyone use it. Not by my friends, classmates, teachers or even literary buffs I meet. Why is that?

It's such a cool word. I mean it starts with a "sh..." that sounds with "shall" in other words is a yes, so it lifts the other party's hopes up, only to CRUSH it with the rest of the word when it comes falling down on your listener. I mean what other word can you such a thing like that?

I adore misdirection when it comes to things like this. I admit I can be rather sadomasochistic when it comes to word play. I don't mind hurting myself in a conversation to make a it more of an emotional rollercoaster ride because it's simply more fun that way. It's the non-verbal aspects of my dialogue that intrigues me so. The tone of my voice, the level of excitement and passion, the eye contact, the body posture, the direction of my voice and even any touch requirements of the conversation is subject to my tweaking.

80% of all face to face communication is conveyed non-verbally. Shocking but true. So I love tweaking the little things, whether the other party notices or not. Often it leads to alot of misunderstandings, I learn so much from such experiences. It's like a psychological experiment of sorts, but the only person who suffers the consequences is me. At least I hope I'm the only one suffering any negative backlash. Well, it seems there's more to life than extremities. My brother's scale of extremity would be I love it, I like it, I don't know, I hate it. Period. I offered him a box of "Collon" Chocolate snacks and he refused it. I asked, "Why? Do you hate it?" Then he explodes on me and tells me, "Can you NOT be so EXTREME?! If I refuse the snack you say I HATE IT?" Oh don't mind me, I mean it's obvious that he doesn't have different levels of hating something. So I ask him, "So what did you want me to say?" Then he replied, "I don't know, just say 'Oh Okay'." I never shocks me how limited he expects people to behave. It's like people have a mere 3 button switch on them, I love, I hate and I don't know. By the heavens I get worried! There's more to the world than those simplistic views.

I'm a complicated kind of guy I suppose. I would rather put my feelings and preferences on a 100 point scale rather than scale it down to a 10 point or *Gulp* 3 point scale. If I say I hate something, I have like a 40 point scale upon that 100 point scale where I can rate how much I hate it.

The lower my score, the more I hate something. Example, a closed minded stranger who behaves like a baffoon in private who is not my boss, my teacher or anyone that I depend on, would rate a zero on my scale of a hundred. A piece of human shit on the ground would rate a 15 on my scale of hundred. Well it's useful as food for bacteria, fertilizer and even NEWater, whereas the useless closed minded stranger would be taking up precious resources by being a closed minded idiot, thus having a negative impact on society.

You can tell that I hate closed minded people. But I don't hate stubborn people, stubborn people can have open minds. Why? Because after their bout of stubborness, they have a period of time where they open their minds so they can learn new things in order to continue resisting an everchanging environment. A closed minded fool is a person who refuses to adapt, change or rethink their ideals not because they have a stubborn nature, but because they are retarded emotionally, intellectually, physically and spiritually. A person that doesn't change his attitude forever, is an example of a closed minded fool. Retarded meaning that they have less capability than the average human being in the matters of being able to change themselves.

I know of stubborn people, but they eventually change one way or another. I like to call them persistant because they know what is perserverance and remain stubborn only to achieve a goal they have set for themselves. But close minded fools do not aim for any goals that they might accomplish, they just refuse to change because they think they are perfect the way they are. Close minded fools are arrogant, blind and refuse to believe that anyone else has the right to make them change for the better.

I believe however, a mass genocide of such people although cruel and seemingly merciless, infact would free up all the resources they are consuming and benefit the rest of humanity that have the capability to continue evolving and setting noble goals to save our planet or advance humanity. People with no other goals other than to accumulate personal wealth and power without consideration of the future of society or humanity are perfect examples of short sighted fools. If through their accumulation of wealth and power, they benefit society, then they aren't fools but useful citizens of society. What better way to give benefit to yourself than to benefit society on a whole? A philantropic view, but one that works well because there's minimal negative effects.

Problem is, most capitalists only seek wealth at the expense of others. For every one person that benefits, hundreds or maybe thousands of others suffer. The stock market is the perfect example of what's wrong with this selfish concept. You cannot profit while selling your stocks without knowing that the person who last touches the stock is the one that makes the biggest loss. For every George Soros, 90% of all the other investors in a single stock market have to make a loss to support the earnings of that one guy. It plays alot like a casino, only except that the dice can be thrown by anyone who has the power for the moment.

Pure speculators will suffer in our current market simply because of the sudden unstableness of our political arena in asia, especially in Japan. With such a sudden wave, the stock market players who have the most capital can start a chain reaction where they can create an upsurge and downsurge at will simply by accumulating large quantities of stock and randomly selling them off at one shot. By buying multiple stocks at a low price and then artificially creating buoyancy, they sell off a different set of stocks they have held on for the past few days to create an artificial flooding of the market, causing all stocks to fall. Then they use that opportunity to buy up more stock that they can use to manupilate the market in the future. By holding, buying and selling command quantity of stock, the speculators with capital suddenly become the "banker" in a casino gambling den. During times of uncertainty, they take the opportunity to take a massive profit from the fears of people who don't know better. During the good times, they sell off small portions of their stocks that hit record highs to increase their wealth. If you control enough of the stock market, it will be easy pickings for you.

As for people who are rich and smart enough to form trading coalitions, they can profit off the "fresh meat" who enter the market everyday. Of course this is supposedly illegal, but who can monitor an open market, where the bids come so hard and fast? All you have to do in this partnerships, is to find a stock with a very large trading volume. Blue chip stocks are usually a good bet. Now, with your trading partners, buy up half of all available stock and keep holding on to that. At first, the stock prices wouldn't rise that much. After all, the price of the stock increases only as the stock demand exceeds its availability. So you then slowly buy up the remaining stock in the open market at an increasing pace. Try to buy to the point where there's no more available stock that's being held by people other than your trading partners. Then you sell the stocks to each other with an increasing bid to artificially inflate the stock value.

Once your satisfied with the amount of profit you and your trading partners would be getting, you sell off all your stocks in a regulated manner. How regulated? A maximum of 2% of the stock per day can be traded to outsiders at an increasing bid, 30% of the total stock you own should still continue to be traded within your trading partners at a constant or increasing bid. With the bids outbidding the let go amount by about 50%. Once your stock level hits around 50% of original total stock volume, you can start the short selling process to earn another uber batch of profits from the stock.

I won't explain too much on the short selling part but this process is usually best wrapped up in a 5 trading day week. Since your partnership owns 50% of the total stock available, to start the short selling process, stop trading between your partners and everyone drop 10% - 15% of their total stock holdings out at one trading morning. Selling 10% - 15% of the stock to the open market per day would signal something wrong with the stock... because your only allowing 2% to be bought by outsiders the difference in demand will go from 2% outsider demand and 30% internal demand to just 2% outsider demand a massive decrease of demand of more than 90% total volume traded. Imagine how much the price will drop? Keep the pressure on by selling the stocks cheaper and cheaper and the price of the stock will plunge like no tomorrow.

Since there's this cap, outsider demand would normally not meet the 10% of your let go amount. But if you estimate that they are above that amount, you need to clear out the remaining buyers in a 20-25% stock dump in a single trading day. After you've hit about 15% of the original stock amount you had at maximum, you can actually start short selling. By this time, the stock price would have started plunging. And it's usually the start of the 2nd or 3rd market day after you've started dumping the stocks 10% at a go. Get rid of your remaining stock in the morning, then short sell every available stock to any available buyers. Stop trading with the stock after 1 or 2 trading days of short selling to avoid detection and enjoy your profits with your partners. But of course you've just become my public enemy number one if you did that.

Enough of this nonsense, Alauz Out!

Idiots of today, Geniuses of tomorrow

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