With his victory, Obama has just opened the floodgates (opening a whole new area of opportunity) for politics worldwide. Floodgates to what you might be asking, it is the floodgates of using the internet as a main tool for politics. While politics have been constantly exploring new mediums, politicians are seldom willing to try a brand new medium unless it has been tried and proven to WIN their elections.
Behind this mindset, you can see that Obama either had very good foresight and vision OR he had an advisor who has these qualities. Both of which bodes very well for America indeed. For the future of the world lies in digitization. Digitizing politics and government only further reduces the resources that we strain the planet for. As technology improves, devices require less power, use cheaper and more replacable resources and most importantly, we use less older technologies such as NEWSPAPERS which incidentally KILLS TREES without discrimination thus indirectly killing ALL LIFE as habitats are destroyed along with the trees that are cut down.
We are stopping the mindless genocide of our forests and jungles which are important homes for our planet's ecological systems, that is a major step towards saving our planet if it is to be saved. I advocate advancing technology whenever I can because older technologies are destructive and pollute our environment needlessly. And by advancing technology forward, we encourage the price of new technology to drop faster as there is less lag time between "early adopters" and the normal adopters.
With the advent of internet politics now coming into play, I forsee politicians driving the masses to "GO ONLINE and VOTE for THEM!" thus directly creating a need for people to upgrade their lives towards newer technology. Why read the newspaper on what the president elect said, when you can get it "straight from the horse's mouth" when you read his online diary (blog) the very day it is broadcasted?
I forsee a bright future for the world, as long as people move towards the digital age with fevor and optimisim. Maybe, just maybe we can save our world one step at a time. Alauz Out!
Idiots of today, Geniuses of tomorrow
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