Sunday, October 14, 2007


I suppose I've been busy, with school work and leg work to check out my family's finances without my family knowing what I'm trying to do. I've been trying to suss out a feel of my father's current financial situation as well as understand my family's seemingly troubling situation.

Weirdness abounds because the installment on the family car is two months due while my father says that it will be paid. My mother says that it's because my father's business in Indonesia is suffering, I suppose there's some merit in that statement. With a culmulating credit card debt, my mother ain't looking like a bright beacon of financial savvy to me. My father once had the power to eliminate that credit card debt and cancel the card. But despite my advice, he said that it should be a deterrent to my mother to prevent her from applying more credit cards in his name.

Well that was when his business was booming and he had spare cash lying around. Now when times became leaner, he probably realized that he should have gotten rid of that debt while it was only a measly 8k, now its already grown to 13k over the last 2 years. It was obvious to me that something was going wrong when I started my course here at University of Buffalo back in May this year. So I decided to take a part time job to help my own personal expenses. But little did I know that he would have to borrow from his business partner to pay for this semester's fees. Geez, when it rains it pours. Now I have to think about how am I going to pay for next semester's fees without a bank loan because the stupid banks rejected my applications.

Why didn't I apply for the loans when I started school? Actually I did, and they were rejected then as well. Why? Cause my dad's already 58 this year, the banks wouldn't allow anyone past the age of 62 after the loan tenor has ended, thus putting my father out of the picture. While my mom doesn't work a permanent job as well as having that credit card debt, puts my mom out of the picture as well. My parents seem to think that the banks in Singapore cannot check their credit problems and would allow the loan, but they were proven wrong not by my words but by the rejections that I received at every application. No, we're not bankrupt, just not on good credit right now.

Well, good news is that we won't be bankrupt because the house I'm living in now is fully paid and worth more than 10 times the amount of our current combined debt. But if we sell it, where would we live? Property prices are still hot right now, making it a bad time for us to buy a cheaper location to stay. Sigh, financial debt is this country's way of trying to put anyone else but the elite into slavery. With crazy property and car prices, the only way for the average Singaporean is to "take a loan" aka sell your soul to government slavery in order to provide a roof over their families heads and food in their stomachs. If you cannot instill "loyalty" through passion for nation building, fucking enslave the population using loans that drain their citizens dry created by banks that are APPROVED by the government. So don't tell me the government isn't in on this scheme.

HDB was created to provide affordable housing to all those who cannot afford it, my freaking foot, leaving the property bubble of the private condos and landed property aside, who said that HDB could rise their values to "match" these inflated prices of the completely UNAFFORDABLE houses to the average Singaporean? Only 10 years ago, property price of my place was only 100k. Now it's more than 300k to buy a new flat of a smaller size in Sengkang. 200% inflation over the course of 10 years? How you EVER reduce that into LESS THAN 4% inflation for COMMON people yo?! We don't need houses to stay in? If you freaking factor in the housing prices every 5 years, you'd have the true inflation for the truly poor in Singapore, which is the middle income family that doesn't get any help from the government and has like freaking 50% inflation for every 2.5 years.

If you increase the middle income wages to that equivalent, we'd probably have no reason to complain. Infact we'd probably already have a minimum wage law that mandates employers to pay decent wages for the crazy number of hours that we truly work for these companies. How many of you have family members who work outside of their workplaces? Think about solving a problem or closing a deal while they are not being paid for it? Companies here need to reevaluate our true net worth. We're bring alot more value to their companies than their own inflated EGOS. We work our asses off so that the bosses may look good, so let's not forget about the little people.

We are the people that make the country tick, we are not people who don't pay taxes and yet we don't draw upon society's resources for complete support. We are the very pillars of society, the literal working backbone where the rich get richer BECAUSE of our ever non-parallel increase in income. Without the middle class, the poor will be wiped out and the rich will starve to death. Stop starving us, stop squeezing us for every drop of money we have and stop acting like we can't do anything about it. We can either die from being overworked or stop working from sheer frustration of the lack of welfare, and you can't stop that from happening.

Letting the banks prosper is no different than letting a loan shark prosper in terms of principal. Except that in this case, the banks all have to give "protection money" in terms of taxes to the government and "play by the rules" of this "turf" by following the law. In essence, there is no difference, except that the government has more say than a triad boss. While they say the banks provide convenience of transactions and extending of credit to people who need it, whose to say that the loan sharks cannot fulfil that role if the "boss" of the area demanded that they see to such "conveniences" as a requirement to "service" this area. Whoever has power dictates the law. And all who break the law will face the wrath of the "boss" of that area. The world hasn't changed at all since the first societies formed more than 10 thousand years ago. Every country in the world has a government that acts like the "boss" that says that they are "protecting" their people. This is still a fundamental concept that has NOT evolved over the history of the human race.

Perhaps it's time to change it, would it be better if no one person could have the power over another? Where we can still work together with trust towards a common goal, yet not have a nefarious person/group trying to impose their "version" of reality upon everyone else? Can we not have a world where we are not bound by allegiences to countries and geographical borders, but bound because we're of the same species? We're all humans, shouldn't we work together to further perpetuate our species as a Learned and Evolved Species rather than acting NO better than CHAOTIC herds of feuding feral wolves?

I wonder when it will be a day where the world will exist without borders, where conflict will be with mother nature and dieases instead of among ourselves. Where bonds between humans is enough to instill trust among one another. Enough of my over long rant. Alauz Out!

Idiots of today, Geniuses of tomorrow

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