Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Stroking (Stroke King) Monday 22 Oct 2007

And the day can't get any worse, I was thinking after a horrendeous start to the day. I woke up at around 7am today, got on bus 67 and got off at Bukit Timah Plaza's bus stop to change to 61, 184 or 75 to get to school. I was waiting at Bukit Timah's bus stop from around 7.45am but to my horror, every single bus was skipping the stop because they were too full or simply can't fit my bulk with only 1 or 2 people managing to board the buses that actually stopped by. I waited in frustration and finally gave up waiting for anymore buses around 8.45am. By then I had already missed 10 buses that would have gotten me to school. Despite the fact that it was raining slightly, I ended up walking to school in the rain. I got to my 8.30 am lesson at 9.05 am, apologized and sat down with my shirt soaked in rain and sweat.

The day was short, I got a crappy mid-term grade of 32/40 for my Psychology 101. I know, I know most people wouldn't think that was a bad grade; until you realized that I'm still trying for my straight As then that is completely unacceptable. My head pounded heavily as I got back home. I thought that I might get some rest but it so happens my dad decided that he needs to see a doctor about his condition that started about 2 months ago. I went down to the polyclinic because they said that they assigned an indian doctor and my father only speaks chinese or malay. So I went down and waited from 4pm to 6pm to become my dad's translator. But so happens that the indian doctor had too many patients and my father was transferred to a chinese speaking one.

My dad went in and explained his symptoms and the doctor was suddenly alarmed and told us to report down at NUH's Accident and Emergency because he suspects my father has a minor stroke. We got home, got my dad's medication to show the doctors at NUH and hurried down. The waiting period is a Killer. We got him registered around 6.45pm, only managed to get most of the things settled around 11.15pm. Got home at a god forsaken hour of nearly 12 midnight. I'm so tired, with so much rage, along with my mind playing tricks on me again with them stupid visions. My fever has been with me since last Monday it doesn't seem to want to go away, those dreams come while I have it. They are coming more often now, in high vivid detail. Damn hallucinations I suppose, never want to trust them. Enough, I shall wrap up this nightmarish day Alauz Out!

Finishing, but not yet.
Understanding, but not completely.
Contesting, but never fair.
Kindness, but with condition.

Idiots of today, Geniuses of tomorrow

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