Thursday, September 14, 2006

Life Begins

Yes, I got a job. If you knew which one I took, you'd think I'm crazy. Well, I don't suppose it being a temporary job means anything more to anyone anyways. But nonetheless it's confirmed. I start work on Monday and I'm going to sign a 3 month contract tomorrow. Means I've got some work laid out in front of me until the 17th of December. It's going to be interesting and dead boring at the same time. It's kind of a mundane job at SPH, but hey whoever said the first step into a preferred career was easy?

Oh did I also forget to mention that it's got absolutely nothing to do with writing? Yeah it's not that kind of job. BUT however, since one of my long term goals is to be a publisher. It's got some association with my long term goals. It's good to know I'm at least headed towards my long term goal rather than just working my short term ones. It's something like instant gratification vs long term commitment. I'm like most guys, who want instant satisfaction. But since my shots at instant career didn't take off, it's only logical for a man to start working towards a long term goal with no profit whatsoever for now.

Yeah, I also forgot to mention that I'm kind of broke now. Haha, money from this job is infact the lowest paying job among the 6 job offers I've been accepted into. I rejected all the other jobs that pays around 1.4-1.6 thousand a month for a job that's ... well barely hitting 1 thousand. Like I said, it's a crazy, stupid, dumbest thing a guy like me should do.

Fame or Fortune?
But like I said, passion is everything. Experience from this job would look promising for a guy who is aiming for anything to do with the media. I also considered the fact that I absolutely abhor the thought of being a celebrity so the idea of an instant celebrity by becoming popular online flew right out the window the moment I thought of it. How is it that walking a path of your own choosing seems sweeter than a path others lay before you? Perhaps it's the easy way out, considering the fact that the paths that were laid before me were pretty standard fare for the young graduates with diplomas or degrees.

Owning the Choice
I make the call, as masochistic as that may sound. I think that taking the toughest, most painful, emotionally distant path, may actually reap me benefits that I might actually appreciate instead of bitching away on how measly my instant gratification jobs benefits were. At least if I come away seemingly empty handed, I know that I've gained an insight that only the shrewest of business men can understand in a merciless industry such as the media. It's got something to do with the job and no, I'm not telling you what its' all about. This job isn't confidential or classified. But few writers actually concern themselves over this aspect of the print media.

The more mind numbingly boring a job gets, the more to a job that actually meets the eye. It's usually in the most boring of jobs that bring about the most interesting of revelations. Being a computer engineer was considered to be one of the most interesting and cutting-edge jobs back when the computer revolutions started. However, in reality the job is as interesting to some as watching a donkey deposit some dung. It's all about attitude and the approach taken and you'd miraculously discover that there was far more to your mundane job than you would have believed.

If you think I'm stark raving mad, perhaps I am. Infact, don't assume I'm not. I'm a raving lunatic out to brainwash the masses into believing that God wants us to live free. I'm the Beast to unite mankind before the final hour. If mankind does not stand together as we fall, then when would we ever stand together after? I think the age of man is fading and the age of something else is about to begin. Let us be united as a testament to our legacy upon this universe, let us be remembered not for all the petty squabblings and civil misadventures. Let us be instead, remembered as a species to be reckoned with. A race of beings that survived on diversity and ironically enough, harmony. We shall be remembered as God's work on dichotomy and that there was one species that were both good and bad at the same time, in all sense of the words good and bad.

We are God's legacy on earth, the meek shall inherit the earth and as mankind became mighty, we shall be toppled by a meeker being as our time is over. Very much like the dinosaurs made way for mammals, we shall make way for something equally glorious to partake in this mysterious world. Forgive me for my lack of tack in the matter but I do not believe that this message delivered in any other form would be any less impactful. Here's to the end of our epoch! Cheers! Alauz Out.

Idiots of today, Geniuses of tomorrow

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