Monday, October 09, 2006


No free Lunch/Dinner
Ugh... *Almost Pukes*
There's no such thing as a free lunch or dinner I guess. I woke up nauseous as hell today. Really crappy feeling. Reported sick to my supervisor and agent, then went to see a doctor. Doctor confirms food poisoning and prescribes some medicine and a day of rest.

Perhaps the words I posted upon the blog didn't go too well with my late relative. This perhaps is a sort of karma to my actions. Perhaps it's well deserved because I have all sorts of mannerisms that require alot of fine tuning before I'm the perfect human in terms of politeness. But don't let that get you guys down, I'm sure you guys aren't affected by karma at all. It's just me and my incessant mouthing off.

I hope it's going to be a quiet day. The doctor told me to eat porridge and no spicy, sour, oily or heavy food. Means it's just plain porridge or egg porridge with no pepper. Perhaps some salt. But definately no spicy preserved beancurds, sour pickles or the stuff like that. My tummy so upside down right now I think that it's emptying my stomach contents into my throat. Disgusting mental imagery for your imaginative minds. Going to do what sick people do now, Ugh. Alauz Out.

Idiots of today, Geniuses of tomorrow

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