Sunday, September 09, 2007

Repeat of the Phoenix

Oh by all that is HOLY and UNHOLY, it's finally over! My computer troubles are OVER! Although it was not enough a tough and freakishly long battle, drawn out since the last time I wrote on the blog. After that time, my main desktop got infected with an unknown virus and it literally wrecked havoc upon my computer. It suddenly became cranky and decided to shut down randomly at first, then when I found the irritating source, it decided to replicate itself with new filenames every 5 seconds or so.

It was a freaking terror, it ate up my system resources, it made me unable to do anything in my GUI mode. I decided to go hunting after several days of futile attempts to eradicate it via deletion in Windows. So I decided to go all "Medival" upon it's hiney. I booted up my computer in Dos mode and commenced with the deletions. The virus finally went away, but the damage was nearly apocolyptic. My Windows could BARELY start, EVERY SINGLE KEY APPLICATION, Internet Explorer, Outlook, Microsoft Office and Windows Explorer would either create non-stop popups or shut down with a critical error when I try to run them.

I was in the middle of all my work back then, so I decided to let go of my desktop because I simply didn't have the time to fix it up while I had to finish my work. I transferred all my data to my flash drive (that I kept meticulously clean because I didn't use any folders and the virus couldn't hide there for long) and then migrated to my laptop to do my work. Of course if my laptop was working fine, then why didn't I post a blog from there? Now it so happens my laptop decided to do a fast one on me as well. I just found out this afternoon (I sent it to the Compaq Care Center last week) that it had a faulty motherboard issue. And what was this problem? My laptop would just HANG every 10-15 mins. Whoo Hoo! Yay Microsoft and Compaq... could you make my life any worse?

Somehow, I survived the onslaught of work and still managed to get Straight As for my first semester. Thank the HEAVENS for that and damn the HELLS for my troubles. So as my term break appeared, I stayed at home exclusively to battle the two problems non-stop. I tried to retrieve as much data as cleanly as possible. And Just yesterday, I was able to get the last vestiges of my important documents from the grasp of my dying OS.

So today was a day of great relief, where I sat down infront of my monitor, gave my OS it's last rites, and finally put an end to it's pained existence. I put in my Windows XP cd and rebooted my computer. My finger seemed unable to move when I was about to click on reformat C:, I was able to get my work out of my computer, but that's nothing compared to all the other applications I took ages to accumulate and then there's... my PORN! OMG.... I couldn't save it... it was all corrupted. *SOB* And yes, I went through all this time without my porn, if your a single guy without a girl reading this, you probably feel my pain more than others. And no there was no withdrawl symptoms because I was far too tired or I was pumped full of adrenaline while I was on the computer exterminating this threat.

And to think, it all started when my freaking brother wanted to find a Keygen or Serial for his Adobe products that he wanted to install and use on my computer. He didn't know which .exe he opened but that was it. I was infected because my brother wanted to use some pirated copy of adobe suite. I'm NEVER, EVER, letting him install ANY software on my computer without my direct and extremely close supervision. And to think that is the 2nd time this year that he's done it for my computer. OMG, he's like, "But this is a different Exe file what!? Why is it also another virus?" I was like," OMG you use a FREAKING MAC! What the heck would you know about Viruses?!" And the reason why he's using my computer because his mac just celebrated its 7th birthday. It's a G4 Dual 533 MHz ANTIQUE, that can't run any of Adobe's higher end stuff like premier pro and illustrator without coughing out its innards and expiring. But thank the gods it can still run Photoshop like a kitten. Or my brother would be on my desktop like FOREVER.

So lesson learnt, The best Anti-virus in the world is YOURSELF. Having the best antivirus software in the world won't protect you from RETARDS who run infected programs because they WANT to try it and see if it'd CRACK a software. Once your infected, if the anti-virus hasn't seen it before, your SCREWED, when it asks you to bend over, you bloody well just take it and pray it stops sometime soon. (Which normally is NEVER) Getting sick of viruses that affect users have to depend on microsoft solely because they can't FREAKING PLAY THEIR Favourite games without windows. I hope that changes man, I seriously SERIOUSLY hope that happens. I would love gaming on the mac, if there was more mainstream games out there for it. I want to play with the rest of the world! Not just a small community. So all you potential game developers out there whose got any sense at all, make Mac compatible games... NOW! Because if you do, your going to see 40% of the world's market scooting over in a blink of an eye. Plus Apple would LOVE you guys to death and maybe shower you with macbook pros all year long. I bet you'd love dying under an unending pile of macbook pros.

I think I've done enough ranting, I really have to go back and rebuild my PC with all the applications I USED to have. So I'd see you when I see you, Alauz Out!

Idiots of today, Geniuses of tomorrow

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