Wednesday, February 13, 2008


So I was right, the pace of my life would pick up this semester. And pick up it did, now trying to juggle my responsibilities as the up and coming web master of UB SIM, trying to maintain my grades and planning the Dungeon and Dragons campaign in the midst of all this has begun tearing into my recreation time. In fact, the preparations for school on a daily basis as well as trying to design my dungeon grids completely wiped out my free time and even eaten heavily into my sleeping hours.

Attempting to finish a dungeon set, plan scenarios for the players to engage in and also trying to study and do my homework assignments burn more time than mindless grinding in Everquest. I spent approximately 6-7 hours a day on my campaign combined with school work, and I STILL feel that it's not enough time. I sleep 3 hours, travel 4 hours or so and then spend the rest of the time outside getting my materials and searching for more campaign ideas.

But somehow I managed to spot a dragon statutte down at the SIM bazaar on Tuesday. Was a nice statuette with a decent looking girl and her mother being the stall owners. Hopefully it won't sound too strange when I say that I was far more interested in the dragon than the females. (Regardless of the fact that they could be females born in the year of the dragon) You simply don't see these western dragons made out of pewter and other acrylic very often in Singapore anymore. Of course I'd probably see more in the USA but then again the price would also be much higher there than over here.

Lovely dragon is now in my possession (the statue and not the lady). Ah, I can't wait until May, where the shop would be bringing in another dragon but about 3 times the size of the one I just bought. Price difference is but a mere 50 bucks, life is good.

Dreams that become nightmares,
Raging storms of fire and lightning.
Anger flowing passion,
Grace with power.
Overlords of the skies,
Netherthals of the races,
Soverigns of the world.

Idiots of today, Geniuses of tomorrow

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