Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Steve Irwin

I have a confession to make. I partially admire dedicated people. I admire the fact that despite the odds stacked against the person. The person continues to do what they do unphased. Steve Irwin was one such person. When he was alive, he constantly confounded people by remaining forever ethusiastic, passionate and sincere in the message he tried to bring across. Despite the fact that he drives me up the wall, he kind of inspires me. If I had one tenth of his determination, I will be much, much more than I am today.

Instead of this crappy blog, I might already been a writer for the news who is more controversial than Mr. Brown. Maybe I might even be tortured by the ISA years ago. Who knows, with the sheer amount of determination and spirit, I could have made an impact so large. Maybe large enough to put Singapore recognized by more people around the world. Hopefully in a positive manner rather than negative.

I respect Steve, I really have to say that if I never watched his programs before, I might never have had the awareness of the need to conserve animals here on earth. He sent out a strong message that animals aren't things without feelings, animals are things that sometimes are more human than we are. And if we don't do our part to stop poaching, hunting them or destroying their environment. Then we wouldn't see them around anymore. It's his message that touched each and everyone of us that used to watch his shows.

On this day a good man fell in service of mother nature. He had fought bravely against the cynical human nature of people and gave morality to people who had none. Despite the people who laughed at him, I who have laughed loudest, have the utmost respect for him in death. To be able to affect the world like he did, he is indeed a great man. May your legacy be remembered fondly by all whom you have taught the value of conservation. Alauz Out.

Idiots of today, Geniuses of tomorrow

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