Wednesday, August 30, 2006


Had alittle talk about the divine with one of the most unexpected sources today. My younger cousin, that's you Jasmine I know your reading this like I told you to. You bet I'm writing a little of what we talked about today. Or rather what I kept mouthing off about while she was all coy and listening. It all started when I asked her to call me because my handphone was deaders. I can't make out going calls anymore because I haven't paid my bill in 3 months. It's kind of unintentional, but that's another story.

The Calling
So she's on a nice little thing we call a "study break" but I like to call it "Let Loose Week". Then she calls me up and we started talking about how uncanny that I can still receive incoming calls and send sms even though my bill is left unpaid. We prattle on until suddenly she starts asking me to go to church. I implore you that this is only because she felt that it was kind of boring seeing only my younger brother at service.

The Decline
"Nope" I told her. Then she starts to ask me why and starts saying I should just come down to church and promised that it'd be fun. Well, uncompromisingly I decided to tell her that it's a long story. But she said, "I've got the time", thus it all started. We started talking about my reluctance to churches and why I feel that I feel betrayed when I go to church. I started with the hypocrisy that I had experienced in some churches I've visited in the past. And went on to say how the break up with one of my ex made me fear going back to churches again.

The Fear of Compromise
I have this fear that to control the people, the church has changed some of it's original scriptures to make them more appealing to the masses. If I'm not wrong, this is done on a regular basis by the catholic church by a special committee charged with making changes to their canon laws, rules and regulations. I strongly believe that if it is anything to do with religon, there cannot be any compromise.

Compromise Negative
By compromising what we believe in, how can we still be sure what we believe in is the absolute truth? If there is going to be an absolute truth in our world, it has to be religion right? It is what we fall back on when our beliefs are tested, when we need to make a judgement on morality. But what if what we thought was carved in stone, ISN'T? Wouldn't that shatter the millions or billions of lives that depend on it? According to Man, religion is a lifestyle, something we hold in high regard because we'd be following the word of GOD.

Compromise Positive
But when the things we believe in, change almost yearly. How can you expect me to believe in a religion like that? It'd be like betraying GOD on a yearly basis. And you cannot expect me to compromise on something that's going to be the CORE of my beliefs? Can you compromise what's RIGHT or WRONG? Can you compromise if you had to question your beliefs everytime someone comes up with another "Da Vinci Code"? That is not religion to me, religion to me means that if GOD will punish the wicked and reward the good. He MEANS it.

Despicable Man
And the despicable MAN, tries to GOAD people into their religions, committing sins while covering it up using lies and deception. Saying that if you sin in "THIS Particular way", it's not considered a SIN. Now now, your saying contraception is not a sin? But isn't against the will of the lord to withhold life? You say abortion is not a sin. But isn't it killing an unborn child? SURE it will make life EASIER for the people involved. But is it RIGHT? In the lord's eyes, he can tell for sure if we were right or wrong. But what I cannot accept is, the fact that WE cannot accept what's RIGHT or WRONG.

Personal Views
My personal views are one of obviously biased, Neutrality. If mankind wants to go to hell when our time is up, so be it. God did not send me down to educate people on what is right or wrong. God sent me down here to live my life among man, helping those who cannot help themselves. To help others, does not mean I have to commit sin. To help others, does not mean I help others to a point that I become the very thing I sought to help. You cannot become a helpless if you seek to help.

Survival of the Helpful
If you really want to help the world, seek first to ensure you do not need help with anything. Like Jesus said, "To remove the sand in another man's eye, first remove the LOG in your own." If you are quick to JUDGE others, be quicker still to JUDGE yourself. Follow the golden rule, DO UNTO OTHERS, WHAT YOU WANT OTHERS TO DO UNTO YOU. If you like others to be concerned about you, you will first have to be concerned about others. Even if the whole world thinks otherwise, do not falter. For if you do, then you will be the very thing that you sought to help in the first place.

Words to the Helpless
The Lord has one thing he constantly say to mankind. "Give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. Teach man how to fish, you feed him for a lifetime." There's only one flaw in man's interpretation of the Lord's words. Teaching a man to fish is one thing, teaching a man to fish for himself is another. I maybe here to educated who I can, does that mean my responsibilities end at merely teaching what's right? NO, I also have to ensure that what I teach is practiced. If merely disseminating knowledge, I have done NOTHING. To truly receive GOD's blessing, you must also DO what is right.

Ignorance is said to be man's greatest sin. We blame everything on ignorance. In not knowing what is RIGHT and WRONG, Adam knew not what was SIN and what was NOT. GOD decided that since Adam doesn't know what is right or wrong, he will take it up to his greatest creation, his right hand archangel, Lucifer to help in the education of mankind. He gave Lucifer a domain of his own and charged him with giving "Knowledge" to Adam. Lucifer did it by enticing Eve and making Adam eat from the tree of "Knowledge".

Difference between Orthodox and Enlightened
IF you are a traditional Catholic, Christian or a follower of any orthodox religion. You will now tell me that "Knowledge" is EVIL because Lucifer was the one who told Adam and Eve to devour it. It is TECHNICALLY better for all Mankind have no "Knowledge" because it is the root of our banishment here to earth. So how can Ignorance be man's greatest SIN? Without knowledge, isn't ignorance all that is left?

But it is said in the bible that GOD punished Ignorance just like any other SIN. Thus the weavers of the bible is caught in a bit of a lie. I believe the bible is not complete and many parts of it were changed to fit Man's Ambition. I believe GOD wanted man to have knowledge and sent his greatest angel, Man wanted to rule other Man thru the LACK of knowledge, thus putting "Knowledge" in evil light by demonizing the bringer of Knowledge.

Truly Evil
What is truly more evil? The Devil is supposed to PUNISH the Wicked. If the Devil was truly evil and free from GOD's control, then WHY PUNISH the Wicked? He should be rewarding them with unimaginable pleasure. Thus an easy conclusion to his true nature, he is still an Angel of God. As much as you hate to admit it, you will truly hate the Angel of Death. It is a thankless job, it truly is. Who venerates an Angel that brings death? Thus we Demonize the angel. Making the Angel of death EVIL and BAD just because he seeks to bring all GOD's creature back to their maker for Judgement. There's nothing more truly evil than the true nature of some MEN.

Wrong or Right?
So what now? You know that the Devil tempts us to do evil deeds, he only does so to ferret out the TRULY worthy to enter Heaven and the those who AREN'T worthy but only pretend to be because they don't want to face Judgement. Only a coward will blame the Devil for his temptation, for he has already lost the battle to remain pure in his soul. Those who truly believe will never blame the Devil for tempting them, infact they will appreciate his temptation because he has shown them their true nature. Fear the Devil they say, I say no, fear yourself. You are your own greatest enemy, the Devil is merely there to test you. It's his Job.

I admit I'm extremely biased and judgemental, I'm definately going to hell for the sinful things I've done in the past. I'm not saying that if I help others understand what GOD truly wants from them, then I get to go to heaven. I'm doing this only because I feel is the right thing to do. It doesn't matter that I'm going to hell for punishment, I deserve it. I fear more however, is going to heaven to face GOD's Judgement instead of going to hell. Like I said, I'm a GOD fearing man. There's nothing more powerful or scary than an almighty GOD. I mean NOTHING. Alauz Out.

Idiots of today, Geniuses of tomorrow

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