Tuesday, August 29, 2006


No Surprise
Yeap, I was rejected for the application at HBO. But hey, it's but one of the many jobs I got rejected for. I missed yesterday's blogging because I was too preoccupied trying to get more resumes sent and look for new opportunities with regards to jobs.

New Direction
Well with that over and done with. I've started on a new direction on what kind of jobs I'm willing to accept. But I've also decided to accept a job that's outside of the media industry. I know it's kind of weird wanting to go into the media industry when I'm so obviously under-qualified. But I guess my academic qualification is merely part of my total experiences.

And I'm going to continue forging ahead with my mind sharped and constantly re-molded for the different types of challenges I'm going to be facing. My forge is heated and ready to shape the words I will use for this war called life. May we never give up hope for it is all we truly have. Alauz Out.

Idiots of today, Geniuses of tomorrow

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